Perhaps you're seeing the trees, and not the forest. I'd like to remind you about why silver is an investment you should be making if you haven't already.
Let's start with Purchasing Power.
In order to show the decrease in Purchasing Power, let's take the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and invert it. If you take the amount of money (USD) in circulation and draw the chart it would look like this.

There is an inverse relationship between the two. Here we see that price inflation is a direct consequence of monetary inflation. The money supply has increased by 16.8 times and the purchasing power dropped by 81.8%. So 16.8 times as much cash led to a drop of nearly five times.
This could be any western currency by the way except Swiss Francs since even though the CHF isn't officially attached to gold, the Swiss National Banks has taken gold into consideration when conducting its monetary policy.
Now let's look at GOLD.
The amount of gold mined for the same period, increased from about 95,000 metric tonnes to 165,948, so about a 80% increase in supply.
The price of gold has gone up from 38USD to 822USD, which is 22 times.
The CPI is up from 40 to 210, or about 5 times.
So the purchasing power of gold grew about 4 times.
Silver (silver has an even longer history of being used as money than gold does) and gold perform two jobs that fiat currencies, or any other financial innovation, cannot do; they act as a safe haven in times of turmoil - to escape Nazi Germany, or buy food and water in a crisis. Perhaps even more important, silver and gold, for the last couple of thousand years have acted to preserve your purchasing power. In 1913 (the year the US Federal Reserve was born) the US dollar was well a dollar, silver was 58 cents an ounce and gold was US$20 an ounce. Today, at the 100 year anniversary of the Fed, the dollar has lost 95 percent of its purchasing power, silver is $27 an ounce gold is $1600 an ounce.
See an earlier post about why I prefer silver to gold..